
Step-by-Step Guide: Categorize Keywords 15x Faster with ChatGPT (includes prompts)

WithAI poised to change the way we work in the marketing industry as we know it, we’ve been heads downexperimentingwith ways our team can be more efficient.

Keyword researchis the backbone of any SEO and PPC campaign. But let’s face it, with an ocean of keywords out there, it can be quite a task to categorize and analyze them efficiently.

ChatGPT is about to make your marketing life a lot easier.

In the past, it's taken between15 and 30 hours to categorize keywordsfor a website with ~1 million hits per year.

With Chat GPT -we can cut that down to less than 2 hours.

In this guide, I’ll take you step-by-step through categorizing and analyzing keywords using ChatGPT-4 with the Noteable plug-in.

Why Categorize Keywords?

Categorizing keywords is important because it allows you to organize your website, understand user intent, create content, and track the effectiveness of your SEO and POC campaigns.

Tools Needed to Complete AI-Driven Keyword Categorization Analysis

Step 0: Set Up ChatGPT Pro + Noteable

Noteable.iois a powerful plugin that can help you discover insights from your data with natural language prompts. Basically, you can have a chat with your data, the way you can have a chat with your analysts.

At Seer, we believe this technology will becomean essential tool for data-driven projects.

At this time, we're seeing up to 15x faster results where we've been testing AI.

Set up Noteable in ChatGPT:

  1. Sign up for aChatGPT Plus Account
  2. Create a free account
  3. Install and enable the Noteable plugin in ChatGPT

go to chatgpt-4 and select plugins

find noteable in the chatgpt-4 plugin store

Initial Exploration Analysis

Step 1:Create a Keyword Categorization Project in Noteable via ChatGPT:

Chat GPT Prompt:

Using Noteable, create me a project for Keyword Categorization.

You'll act as a data scientist and help me analyze a dataset of keywords to categorize.

Once the project is created, I want to upload a CSV of keywords to categorize - tell me where to upload it.

ChatGPT will create a Python notebook in Noteable, for you to upload your CSV file to.

create a noteable project in chat gpt and youll get this prompt

Step 2:Access your data

Chat GPT Prompt:

Please connect to myuploaded CSVdataset and provide an initial exploratory analysis. Also, show me a list of my top 15 unigrams for highest monthly search volume (MSV) keywords.

In an exploratory analysis, ChatGPT will show you:

  1. Basic information about the dataset, including:
    • Number of rows and columns
    • Column names
    • Data types
  2. Calculated summary statistics, like:
    • Mean
    • Median
    • Standard deviation
    • Minimum
    • Maximums for numerical columns
  3. Do some data cleaning and quick analysis:
    • Check for missing values
    • Count unique values in categorical columns
    • Visualize the distribution of data
    • Explore correlations
noteable automates writing code to do initial exploratory analyses

We've also asked it here to show me a list of unigrams for my highest monthly search volume (MSV) keywords, to help us understand top-level context for categories.

Organize Keywords Alongside KPIs

Step 3 & 4: Organizekeywords by positions & search volume

We group by rank positions and search volume so we can see what keywords we're:

  • Winning on
  • Within striking distance of high ranks
  • Ranking poorly for

We can later use this data to determine priority of the tactics we wish to execute on.

Chat GPT Prompt:

Please add a position group column, with 1-3,4-10,11-20,21-30,31-40,41-50,>50. Then, add a MSV Group column that groups MSV into high, medium, and low groups, where high is 1000 or greater, medium is <1000 and >50, and low is 50 or less.

ChatGPT chats you back with the keyword grouping:

keyword categorization for ranking

Create Keyword Categories in Your Data

Step 5: Adda 'Brand vs Non-Brand' Category Column

We filter our keyword categories by branded vs non branded keywords because:

  • The intent of a user leveraging branded terms is typically very different from that of a non-branded user
  • Users are typically at different points in their journey

Chat GPT Prompt:

Please add a column for Brand v Non-Brand, and categorize and keywords that contain my brand names as Branded, else, Non-Branded. Please prompt me for what my brand names are.

And now ChatGPT will ask you for your brand names:

provide brand names

Step 6: AddProduct or ServicesCategory Column

Creating a category for your product or services enables you to:

  • Ensure alignment back to the things that make the business money
  • Understand where you need to grow, double down, and stop focusing

For this example, you'll see 'Service Line' column added to our dataset --SEO,PPC,Analytics,CROandCreative.

Chat GPT Prompt:

Please add a 'Service Line' column to the dataset and categorize keywords into service lines. Offer some example service lines based on my keyword dataset, and also prompt me for some example service lines please.

ChatGPT will even guess at your service lines based on the keywords you submitted. To cover all it's bases, ChatGPT also asks you if you'd like to add any additional category dimensions.

feed chat gpt your product or service lines

Here's how I replied to ensure we had coverage of all service lines:

add any servince lines or products that chatgpt missed

Step 7: Add观众与行业Category Columns

Categorizing by audience and industry allows you to:

  • Craft campaigns that resonate with specific audiences within specific industries
  • Understand the nuances of small businesses vs enterprise

Chat GPT Prompt:

Please add an 'Audience' column to categorize keywords into audience types like Small Business and Enterprise, and an 'Industry' column for sectors like Insurance and Banking. Offer some examples based on my keyword dataset, and also prompt me for additional examples.

Step 8: AddCustomer Funnel StageCategory Column

Keywords funnel stagesare represented by things like Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. We do this to:

  • Understand the customer journey
  • Tailor campaigns to meet audiences where they are in the customer funnel

Chat GPT Prompt:

请添加一个“漏斗类别”列categorize keywords into funnel stages like Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action.

Step 9: AddCompetitor Categories

If you're fortunate enough to have competitor rankings, we can use that data for additional categorization. We’ll analyze competing brands and compare their service offerings to our keywords and categories. This data helps us figure out:

  • Capture more market share
  • Stay ahead of competition

Chat GPT Prompt:

Please analyze the competition and identify gaps in service offerings compared to our keywords and categories.

As you can see, ChatGPT will even write code and perform steps to analyze your competitor's keywords!

identify competitors in the data set with chatgpt

Visualizing the Data

Step 10: Create graphs and charts to visualize categories by KPIs for storytelling

Lastly, a picture is worth a thousand words. Being able to build data visualizations with natural [plain] language is going to be a game changer for any industry that, well, uses data! We'll be able to:

  • Get faster insights
  • Increase accessibility to data-driven decisions for more folks at your company
  • Improved collaboration among individuals with different expertise levels
  • Reduced cognitive load by focusing on insights rather than syntax or coding

We’ll use ChatGPT to create graphs and charts to visualize the distribution of our keywords across different categories. This helps in understanding the data a ta glance and spotting trends or patterns that can inform our strategy.

Chat GPT Prompt:

Please create a graphs to visualize the distribution of keywords across different categories.

Pro Tip: Tell ChatGPT your brand colors!

chatgpt visualization of category data

Make sure your data stays available to query

Step 11: Save Your Data

Chat GPT Prompt:

Save the final dataset with all the new columns and visualizations for further analysis, and a downloadable CSV.

use noteable to save the data via chatgpt

Cheat Code: The All-in-One Keyword Categorization Prompt

For those who like to get things done in one go, here's a single prompt that encompasses the entire process:

1. Create a project in Noteable for Keyword Categorization and help me upload a CSV file of keywords to categorize.

2. Connect to the dataset for the uploaded CSV file, and provide an initial exploratory analysis. Also, show me a list of my top 15 unigrams for highest monthly search volume (MSV) keywords.

3. Add a 'Position Group' column, grouping positions into ranges like 1-3, 4-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, and >50.

4. Add an 'MSV Group' column to group MSV (Monthly Search Volume) into high, medium, and low categories: high (1000 or greater), medium (<1000 and >50), and low (50 or less).

5. Add a column for Brand v Non-Brand and categorize keywords containing your brand names as Branded; otherwise, categorize them as Non-Branded. Please provide your brand names when prompted.

6. Add a 'Service Line' column and categorize keywords. Offer some example service lines based on my keyword dataset, and also prompt me for additional examples.

7. Add an 'Audience' column to categorize keywords into audience types such as Small Business and Enterprise, and an 'Industry' column for sectors like Insurance and Banking. Offer some examples based on my keyword dataset, and also prompt me for additional examples.

8.创建一个“漏斗类别”列进行分类keywords into stages like Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action.

9. Analyze the competition and identify gaps in service offerings compared to the keywords and categories.

10. Generate graphs to visualize the distribution of keywords across different categories.

11. Save the final dataset with all the new columns and visualizations for further analysis, and a downloadable CSV

Your on your way to AI-Driven Insights

And there you have it! By following these steps, you’ve started on the journey to combining AI with your SEO skills. ChatGPT and Noteable can hugely speed up your time to execution, helping you structure SEO and PPC campaigns with precision and ease. Remember, the prompts can be tweaked to suit your dataset and goals.

So, go forth and conquer the keyword landscape. Happy researching!

P.S. Getting stuck?We're here to help!

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